I am grateful for the Canadian medical system which allows me to get a terrifying (but free) MRI today. Also thankful for the meds that will help me get through it.
I am grateful that my college kids are smart and funny. A pleasure to talk to and laugh with. They give me whimsical gifts based on knowing me on my birthday and Hannukah. send me silly memes or jokes that they know only I will get.
One graduated with a good CSU experience and is headed to grad school next year. The other is in the most cited Tx public college for overcompliance with the DEI instructions and she is a history/edu major taking poli sci. She has not noticed any difference (yet) between last year and this year.
Hi Claire, what a wonderful thing to remind everyone of because regardless of what's happening in tge world, there still are beautiful days just by walking outside & paying attention 🧡💛🤎
They're lucky you're their mom.
I hope that whatever campuses they go to allow them safety & no discrimination 🩵