I propose you have to make more of the States follow Massachusetts lead. Like around the time of the Stamp Act.
Massachusetts has led the way throughout the history of the nation. Now is the time to be the major voice of opposition. Think outside the box. Commonwealth First.
there's also no guarantee. Ask all the plutocrats who accidentally fell out of windows and drank polonium tea in Russia. If you don't think that will come here, then you're kidding yourself.
And when the GOP White Supremacists start falling people out of windows; they’ll just blame it on a powerless poor Luigi. Our own MILITARY ABANDONED US. FtBragg is a cesspool of radicalization. Not one word about it. This was The Slowtard from MAL’s first EO FROM Jan 2017: Muslim Travel Ban.
The heads of Meta, Google, Twitter at trump’s inauguration… break the notion they didn't help organise us getting to this point and it wasn’t their true goal.
Any progressive actions they did was the fake stuff they "sold out" to. These people are evil, and we have known it for decades now.
Plus we are all watching and won’t forget! Gross sell outs, how much is enough? They are so gross and no would! Way be a leader a for your kids, disgusting
You don’t say. Well, too bad not ONE of you said a WORD about his confessions of election hacking that have been served up on a platter by career data/election analysts. You think we don’t know? Do you think those who don’t know read SubStack?
Yes, they’ll be given correct information about health issues, bird flu, contaminated food etc while the rest of America dies from preventable illnesses. What are you doing about communication blackout with FDA, CDC and NIH????
All the billionaire and corporate donors that have pushing for #RepubloFascism to elbow aside democracy for the last couple of decades are now cashing in.
Can we get a list of who these guys are and what companies they own?
We need to label the Republican Party as
The fasting growing demographic isn’t Latino(a)s it’s billionaires. It’s not because they are smarter and worker harder than the roofer or nurse the system is rigged to help them.
(Please, no followers.)
Massachusetts has led the way throughout the history of the nation. Now is the time to be the major voice of opposition. Think outside the box. Commonwealth First.
Any progressive actions they did was the fake stuff they "sold out" to. These people are evil, and we have known it for decades now.
Can we get a list of who these guys are and what companies they own?
We need to label the Republican Party as