The chief e’DJT👹 tiny digit is a domestic terrorist!
A fElon Rat at his disposalWho’s objective is to completely disassemble the United States government
With a cabinet of terrorist, hardened criminals, professional thieves, drunkards, rapist, heretics all to the Word.
The WH debacle proves the Yeti is Putin's stooge. Does this mean the Kremlin now owns the USA? Serious question. With these clown appointments in key positions - FBI, CIA, armed services are effectively under Kremlin control. That's scary America
Great. Now what are you going to do about it? If a knuckle dragger like Tommy Tuberville can find a tool to block progress while in the minority, I would hope you can find something similar to help working families now.
Please! DEMAND that he testify in front of congress. He is, for all intents and purposes, a member of Trump's cabinet of horrors. Frankly, the man should be drug tested as well. If I behaved as erratically he has, my HR department would be testing me on the daily.
Musk is just wrong. Terrestrial (wire in the ground) is the fastest and most reliable, you know fiber in the ground like Verizon is doing albeit slowly. Inter terrestrial next point-to-point Wi-Fi and cellular. And extraterrestrial like star link is slowest, least reliable and most expensive. Duh.
You're just now getting it?!?! Enron Muskrat has been siphoning off the taxpayers of America for more than a decade, and I'm pretty sure you used to support his subsidies and contracts. You screwed over Bernie, too, so why would we trust you to do anything about it now other than political posturing
A fElon Rat at his disposalWho’s objective is to completely disassemble the United States government
With a cabinet of terrorist, hardened criminals, professional thieves, drunkards, rapist, heretics all to the Word.
“Musk” spelled backwards is in fact “ksum”.
No need to thank me, somebody had to do it
why aren't he and his crews arrested?
why isn't trump under impeachment proceedings yet?
arrest and impeach them, NOW!
people are dying from their actions NOW.
is the senate scared?