10 games to get to know me! 🧂✉️
1. Minecraft🌿🐄
2. Ori and the Will of the Wisps🦉🦴
3. Mickey and the Castle of Illusion🪄🎲
4. Pokémon USUM ☀️🌙/ ORAS 🔥💧/ LegendsArceus⏳️👁
5. Cuphead☕️🎰
6. Animal Jam🐺🎭
7. Mario Party 9🎉🎯
8. Risk🪖🌎
9. Animal Crossing: New Horizons🏝🧸
10. Miitopia🎩🐴
1. Minecraft🌿🐄
2. Ori and the Will of the Wisps🦉🦴
3. Mickey and the Castle of Illusion🪄🎲
4. Pokémon USUM ☀️🌙/ ORAS 🔥💧/ LegendsArceus⏳️👁
5. Cuphead☕️🎰
6. Animal Jam🐺🎭
7. Mario Party 9🎉🎯
8. Risk🪖🌎
9. Animal Crossing: New Horizons🏝🧸
10. Miitopia🎩🐴
Reposted from
10 games to get to know me! 🌱
1. Stardew Valley
2. Life is Strange: True Colors
3. In Stars and Time
4. Minecraft
5. Horizon Zero Dawn
6. Night in the Woods
7. Oxenfree
8. Shadow of the Colossus
9. Spyro series
10. that Legend of the Guardians game adaptation lmao
1. Stardew Valley
2. Life is Strange: True Colors
3. In Stars and Time
4. Minecraft
5. Horizon Zero Dawn
6. Night in the Woods
7. Oxenfree
8. Shadow of the Colossus
9. Spyro series
10. that Legend of the Guardians game adaptation lmao