Speak out. Organize. Across all the silos. They are testing to see what they can get away with.
Reposted from
Prem Thakker ツ
NEWS: Last night, the Department of Homeland Security detained a Palestinian who helped lead the Columbia encampment.
Agents told him his visa was revoked. He said he had a green card. They were confused—then said that was revoked too.
His attorney demanded a warrant. Agents hung up instead.
Agents told him his visa was revoked. He said he had a green card. They were confused—then said that was revoked too.
His attorney demanded a warrant. Agents hung up instead.
But also, I was reading this, and none of these seem to apply here.
Community and resources (like having a lawyer who will keep pressing) are what saves you.
So what are the silos?
Maybe the dems, but they welcomed Trump into the whitehouse?
Labor? Teamsters support Trump and the rest are pretty small.
Church? Most of them are Trumpy.
Chamber O Comm? Your kidding.
Not trying to be doom - but name the silos I should be organizing across...