No we don't but you blatantly lie when you point to a picture and say it came from NASA when it came from a flat earther. When you claim it's in Greenland when it's really in Canada, etc. That's the very definition of telling blatant lies. Each of your accusations is a confession.
Not going to Antarctica Dave? You've said on numerous occasions that a 24 hour sun in Antarctica is impossible on a flat earth. Why didn't you jump at the chance to prove the earth is flat? Because you are a fraud, a conman and a liar.
I guess that's why you chose to post this clip since it proves the globe.
This you need to see, flattards....
Not going to Antarctica Dave? You've said on numerous occasions that a 24 hour sun in Antarctica is impossible on a flat earth. Why didn't you jump at the chance to prove the earth is flat? Because you are a fraud, a conman and a liar.