On a technical level B.O.B. is an experiment with a tomato that went too far, I probably other thinking this but he is just eating his carrot peers if we push the "being a vegetable himself" thing.
Tomato works for both, but that doesn't change the last part of what I said anyway but imagine if someone serv to you raw flesh, human or not it's still disgusting.
My memory isn't the best, the few things I remember from this show are the dodgeball episode, B.O.B getting an artificial brain, the lactose intolerant portal, an entire episode about the president scream for some reasons and the center of the earth having nougat in it.
i think this joke specifically works for me because I've seen people getting nostalgic for this era of cgi saying it's better and that's like saying they miss when 2D animation was good and their example is hotel mario
Tomatoes are fruit, albeit a savory kind, in technicality
"I'm probably over thinking this"
People usually make minors spelling mistakes and I can even focus on a single sentence...