Haha, not my Australorps! One is a mean cow when broody, and will draw blood, and the other has gone off the lay even though she’s only 3, and spends her days sitting around doing nothing except to eat 🙄. Peggy the leghorn is the mediator and the glue of the coop.
Both our Australorps are very affectionate. The Leghorns are a bit stand-offish & often harder to catch but then Mavis does like to sit on my desk while I’m working.
That’s so cute! I wish at least one of my chickens were affectionate - all of my chooks are standoffish. I had to treat Henrietta for bumblefoot one time and she was NOT HAPPY about it. And it seems like Dory is next, who is the slipperiest one of all. Wish me luck, lol.
We currently have a couple of light Sussex (Rizzoli and Wilson), two Legbars (Luther and Fisk) and an elderly non-laying Rhode Island (Vera)