It isn't up to black women, it's that black women have the power, the passion and the brains to inspire and lead! My boss is a black woman, she is a leader, a passionate humanitarian and knows how to talk to all people. I'll follow anytime!
My gratitude is forever for all the women of color standing up and owning the moment. They are the leaders we need. #StopPlayingNice #Resist #Resistance
90 percent voted Kamala and now they’re stuck this orange turd. Honestly if they sat this one out I wouldn’t even judge them but here they are again. Major props
It going to be the problem of every single one of us, soon enough. Those of us who still believe in the rule of law have to stand up or we will slide right into a white supremacist dictatorship.
They have never stopped coming for us. We have been warning y'all for literally hundreds of years only to abandon, ignored, maligned, and sacrificed with glee. Don't you dare try to guilt trip with this poem!!
White people are the majority. They can quite literally end all of this bs today if they all collectively put some fire under their asses the same way this black congresswoman did. It can’t just be us.
I’m trying to get the white people out to protest. Half the white people are Nazis. Another 25% are afraid of being called white saviors for protesting immigrant detention and deportation. Another 10% are communists who are exited about the government becoming fascist. It’s an f’ing mess.
White men and women though... a lot. Even to the point of ridicule
I am fucking grateful for black women. This tiny white girl is still finding her voice, and I want to roar like them.