AOC continues her lonely pursuit of the notion that Democrats might do better politically if they looked like they actually believed or fought for anything.
Reposted from
Dave Weigel
AOC on the Dem strategy against the trans sports bill today, where they argued it would protect "predators," and ended up losing just 2 Trump-district Dems on it:
1) Vicente Gonzalez who just *campaigned* in 2024 on support for this exact bill
2) The corrupt indicted Henry Cuellar who rightfully deserves to be expelled from the House
Climate Change is The Issue. When you waste time on this stuff, the message you send, loud and clear, is Climate Change can wait. We have more pressing infighting to do.
Am suggesting it does nothing but increase Right's power to egg on internal divisions on Left, and that could use his voice better positively.
My new years haiku:
Stand by others' rights.
Be strong, fair, kind. Honor truth.
Guard hope with your life.
Then, when they're in office, they can pass some laws that effectively say "You do you".
I'd argue nothing else has pushed America as far right as that or done as much damage to the majority of left leaning people in the U.S