Let it sink in. This means 40%of our youth are living at the poverty level. Why are we the richest country in the world and almost half our children live in homes where the parents do not make a livable wage? Tax the 1% and raise wages of the working class
Was wird damit aus dieser US-Nation in spätestens 20 Jahren?Die USA müssen Kriege führen,Länder destabilisieren,verhindern,dass sich die 3.Welt entwickelt-weil die USA die Intelligenz aus anderen Länder abschöpfen muss. US-Soldaten sind zum Sterben da,aus welchen Ländern kommen die US-Visionäre?
Below the poverty level. Not at. If they’re at, they might have a chance. Pretty soon we’ll have the same lifestyle as the Russians. Starvation and outhouses.
Other billionaires in the past did good things with their dirty money... built libraries and musical and artistic venues. Paid for poor kids to get into better schools and have free lunches. And actually paid 50% + in taxes!
You’re right. But n ore Trump voters are — were — on Medicaid than anybody else. Their “find out” phase will arrive the minute a family member needs expensive medical care.