Australia set a social media ban for users under 16 this week, but says enforcing it will be a challenge and risk user privacy. Social media is “asbestos with better PR and a bigger checkbook,” says Roger McNamee ( “The status quo is intolerable.” #Velshi
Tech co gets content/privacy complaints > tech co issues how-to-stay-safe/private statement > users follow those instructions > tech co undermines those instructions w/backdoor code/staff changes > users discover the same content/privacy.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat
financial compensation.
Only a good education can prevent misuse of any given tool. Bans only create juicy forbidden fruit.
JFC. Nanny state.
This ban feels feels wrong, backward, authoritarian, and doesn't belong in the Western World in my humble opinion.
It feels like something China or Christian Fascists would do honestly.
There chance of becoming a happy and better person. will rise dramatically!
Learn children (and adolescents and grownups for that matter) how to use these new tools of social interaction. Prepare them for a world where communication is not restricted by area, religion, politics or whatever boundaries old fashioned communication has.
With throwaway emails vpn and no identity checks ? even with an identity check , say friend opened an account for you in their name, these things are easily changed on most platforms ?
We had once a pr campaign about 'ethical oil'.
Hello new boss, same as the old boss.
This is why we cant trust industry to 'regulate themselves'.
And in a world, where a) single or both parents have to work and b) in 2 or 3 jobs if necessary it becomes quite a task to monitor the offspring's online behaviour.
And I really can't see a problem with an age verification unless being paranoid. Not every nation wants to collect data to lock you up.
Tik Tok, Instagram and the lot are - in their current form - nothing of value for kids.
On the other hand, the same party will extend the campagnes to indoctrinate children and adolescents via social media, don't you think?
It'll be the same here, only now children will be the target