This is excellent! It feels like the beginning to a children’s classic!
Don’t let the difficulties of the past bind your future. It’s been 10 years. Ten years of learning, growing, and seeing new things in the world. Give it another try. See what the “you” of today has to add to the story.
It’s clear the original still has a hold on you. It still has meaning and a story waiting to be told. Redraft the adventure from this point. Keep it simple, the strokes broad. Find the heart. Let the story tell you what it wants to be and follow the road it gives. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Thanks for the encouragement! 😊 We still like these pages but we're working on a different comic and there's other stuff that interests us too, many ideas in the pipeline (as a team & individually).
We might go back to this one sometime, we might not. But what we made is still ours & not a loss.
Any publisher that didn't grab this is a moron. Stupid, Stupid publisher...
To be fair the plot needed some heavy revising, we never got the direction of the story totally right. But we did learn a lot from making it!
Don’t let the difficulties of the past bind your future. It’s been 10 years. Ten years of learning, growing, and seeing new things in the world. Give it another try. See what the “you” of today has to add to the story.
We might go back to this one sometime, we might not. But what we made is still ours & not a loss.