Phrases similar to "caught red-handed"
5. Caught with the mouse in the mouth (Sardinian)
4. Caught with the ice cream trolley (Spanish)
3. Caught with the goat on your back (Greek)
2. Caught with your beard in the letterbox (Swedish)
1. You stole the cockerel, the feather is on your head (Arabic)
5. Caught with the mouse in the mouth (Sardinian)
4. Caught with the ice cream trolley (Spanish)
3. Caught with the goat on your back (Greek)
2. Caught with your beard in the letterbox (Swedish)
1. You stole the cockerel, the feather is on your head (Arabic)
we've also made a verb out of it, "ferske" = to catch (slang)
(chor kee daadhee mein tinka)