It's Groundhog Day! Here's what Groundhog Day (the film) is known as in five countries…
5. The Black Hole of Love (South Korea)
4. A New Day Threatens (Denmark)
3. Monday the Whole Week (Sweden)
2. Today Was Actually Yesterday (Turkey)
1. And the Marmot Extends Its Greetings Day After Day (Germany)
5. The Black Hole of Love (South Korea)
4. A New Day Threatens (Denmark)
3. Monday the Whole Week (Sweden)
2. Today Was Actually Yesterday (Turkey)
1. And the Marmot Extends Its Greetings Day After Day (Germany)
📷: Pix are screenshots
Murmel somehow has 3 meanings: marbles, murmur and a marmot-like animal, usually in the Alps
Does "extend one's greetings" work better without saying to whom (real q)?
"Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier"
is open for interpretations.
Such an expression of greeting could also be seen like "and issue X is back (to make trouble)"
Before the movie the tradition was totally unknown, and I don't think we have something comparable 🤔
Btw, 'marbles-animal' is right there