Health Secretary Wes Streeting has received £311,400 from private healthcare interests since entering Parliament.
Could that be reason he's such a fan of private involvement in our health service?
The Green Party is clear - private profit motive should be nowhere near the NHS.
Could that be reason he's such a fan of private involvement in our health service?
The Green Party is clear - private profit motive should be nowhere near the NHS.
If not, anything you say is meaningless.
Anyone receiving donations from essentially competitor services, has to be an exemplary individual with cast iron evidence of propriety and solemn promises backed up by harsh, punitive consequences.
Not convinced, Wes.
Proof please.
I decide who pollutes my stream, thank you.
You don't get to do it.
If only you'd recognise the burden of proof lies with the person making a claim.
If you're gonna tone police me, then expect it in return or do you require special pleading?
You aren't in line for any of it.
I suspect you aren't like this IRL, oh keyboard bully.
I’m sure you’d be saying the same thing if this was 2011 and he was a Tory (which, let’s face it, he and most of the Labour cabinet might as well be).
Your pedantry is pathetic. Grow up.
1. Could Streeting have rejected these donations (or was he nothing to do with the decision process)
2. Does a similar explanation apply to all donations allegedly paid to MP’s? (If not how can I tell)