“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
My Mother stood by me when I was right. But she'd surely let me know when I was wrong. I will NEVER stand by people who are so clearly wrong, I don't give a dang WHO TF they are
Teddy would have nothing but utter contempt for Trump - he would see him as we do: weak, cowardly, corrupt, vindictive, puerile, and stupid. Teddy probably would have given Trump a beating- Teddy was a tough hombre.
Donuts are about $1+ each nowadays. A long time ago, a dollar was called a buck because it could buy roughly an entire buck deer or equal amount of goods and services. Best of luck to both gunslingers.
― Theodore Roosevelt
Past this along to Mr. Orange, make sure he sees it. Dollars to doughnuts he won't accept, he's a coward.
It's America and freedom, or Trump and treason.
For me, this ain't a choice.