One of the things that gut punched me the most in #veilguard was that quarrel between Dawn and Emmy near end game
I love that that scene exists HHHHHHHHH i was gonna show the clip but i kinda wanba experience it again with ya’ll in Dawn run stream hnmmbgh
I love that that scene exists HHHHHHHHH i was gonna show the clip but i kinda wanba experience it again with ya’ll in Dawn run stream hnmmbgh
All I could think though was "Emmy my PULLING this thread right now? Before tearstone???? You dawwwg."
(My creative brain loved it tho.)
I was expecting us to talk it out NOT TO LEAVE IT AND GO TO TEARSTONE ISLAND AHHH
I was upset. Glad it was all good in the end, but still.
Gosh, poor Dawn & Emmrich. Such angst and for what? Emmrich why'd you do that to yourself???
but i kinda liked leaving it like that before tearstone bc yanno
The fade stuff happens and IMAGINE THE PAIN AND ANGST EMMY WENT THROUGH after that convo AND losing Dawn?!! AHHHHH delicious LOL
Ooh, tears the heart in just the right way.
Yeah!! You like how cute and romantic they are??? what if we throw in sOME ANGST…. before the REGRET PRISON MWAHAHAH
so good so delicious