The Frilled Shark, fresh off the fern-y carnage of round one, is hungry for battle (and squid)! While these sharks spend a lot of time in the ocean depths, especially in warmer summer months (Tanaka et. al 1990), they spend time higher up in the water during cooler months looking for a meal #2025MMM
The Tuatara is one cold-blooded competitor - literally! Because they can't regulate their own body temperature, they use behavior to beat the heat or survive the cold. They're sensitive enough to change the temperatures they prefer based on humidity! (Corkery et al. 2013) #2025MMM
We're back in Suruga Bay, Japan, where Frilled Shark lies in wait in the midwaters. Their eel-like form and fins positioned near the back of their bodies suggest that they may wait for food to come to them, then strike with snake-like precision! (Ebert and Compagno, 2009) #2025MMM
Mid-March marks the end of the courtship season for Tuatara, so our competitor is looking for a last chance at romance on Stephens Island in New Zealand. He proudly puffs up & displays his spines, strutting around in a "proud walk" (Gans et al, 1984) #2025MMM