How do I help fight against what’s coming in a meaningful way. I’m a very very good public speaker, work as a sales manager and I’m devastated about this election. I believe it was truly stolen. But I don’t know how to help? I’m definitely a PERSUASIVE individual. Where should I start?
Just watched you on and your voice is so needed beyond measure! Too many Americans are so quick to complacency for convenience. I genuinely appreciate your courage and words. So open for advice in my little area in the states!
There’s got to be something more than being front & center as the article proposes. I’m surprised that the article doesn’t mention J. Edgar Hoover & Roy Cohn. If they were alive today they’d be part of the LGBTQ community as Hoover was a known cross dresser and Cohn was a gay man.
Both pre-MAGA!
you and @JessicaDenson must connect and guest on one another's shows in the name of democracy. 2 amazing women and democracy warriors.
Both pre-MAGA!