Love the Osprey. We actually live on Osprey Rd - sadly, there are only a couple of shy Osprey. We have an eagle but mostly my fave at the feeder are Hairy woodpeckers. One is always complaining then the other feeds him or her. Not sure who’s the male/female.
Thanks. That was a welcome treat. We mostly live in the bush but come Oct/Nov we head out for warmer climes. Leaving our feathered friends is the hardest. The Blue Jays are know. To tampon the window if we don’t get the peanuts out in time😹
Thanks. That was a welcome treat. We mostly live in the bush but come Oct/Nov we head out for warmer climes. Leaving our feathered friends is the hardest. The Blue Jays are know. To tampon the window if we don’t get the peanuts out in time😹