I also feel like this is why these movements don’t have big impacts cause if it’s for a quick week and starts like the day after tomorrow…whoooooo who knows about this?
Pushing for a 3-6 months minimum no buy however gives ppl the time to know and stop consuming at those CONCENTRATED stores
Pushing for a 3-6 months minimum no buy however gives ppl the time to know and stop consuming at those CONCENTRATED stores
Yeah, like, one of the biggest takeaways I took from this podcast episode I listened to yesterday is if there aren't clear asks, then it's not going to fucking work. And incidentally, there's not enough working class and/or union folks making these calls
Can’t just say “hey maybe we do this for 2 days”
There have to be support systems in place. A recent example would be the writer strikes cause they were able to get funds donated and/or get mutual aid within the community
Having a set quarter w/ prep time would work