Philadelphia has begun fining buildings in the Gayborhood for making home repairs not approved by the Historical Commission.
Back in Sept. the commission overruled residents to create a new historic district over a large area.
Now this building owner is being fined $300 for replacing a window:
Back in Sept. the commission overruled residents to create a new historic district over a large area.
Now this building owner is being fined $300 for replacing a window:
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Philly has historic assets worth preserving, but the current standards were designed for narrower designations not entire diverse districts.
The commission is threatening Philly's vitality and affordability.
Usually when developers or landlords cry that something is unfair in the permitting process it's them trying to pull a fast one.
I own a historic house. Nobody puts in new windows unless they absolutely have to, the process sucks. So there are lots of houses around me with rotting, broken windows.
Plumbing or electrical come with risks, so it's useful for the city to ensure the work is being done properly. But if my neighbor fixes a window or door, why should I care?
"No permit shall be required for replacement of non-fire resistance rated windows/doors without structural change on one- and two-
family dwellings [no changes in location, shape or size of existing openings.]"
So if the opening is unmodified, no permit is required.