The airport has said they only had one controller watching the helicopter & the plane. Usually a TWO CONTROLLER job. But orange thing fired 400 air traffic controllers so……..
Chain of events. It will be the same chain of events for the next crash, and the next, and the next until he does something to fix the problem he has created. #america #maga #DCCrash
Not a coincidence Gunny.
Breaking apart any workforce or removing trusted leaders will have a negative impact.
It's inviting failures in the process.
Failures that equal lost lives.
One piece of missing data here. Was the control system short staffed or staffed by inexperienced people at the time of the collision? If staffing was adequate in the tower and the people there were experienced and otherwise normally competent then the "time line" isn't valid. Just sayin'
They had a near miss the day before (same story: military heli to high).
Basically the FAA understaffed the ATC, under regulated the helicopter industry, and dropped standards for shared spaces. The line goes back for many years (pre-Biden).
ABC News Livestream covered Trump's accusatory statement toward the AirTraffic Controllers with pushback of a summary from the live tower recording where Air Traffic SPECIFICALLY asked the helo pilot whether he saw the plane. After the pilot answered "Yes," he was told it was their responsibility.
Breaking apart any workforce or removing trusted leaders will have a negative impact.
It's inviting failures in the process.
Failures that equal lost lives.
Basically the FAA understaffed the ATC, under regulated the helicopter industry, and dropped standards for shared spaces. The line goes back for many years (pre-Biden).
We should be singing the song, I see a bad moon rising.
Way to go Orange man.