My husband is Canadian and wants very badly to move back, but I can't, in good conscience, do anything with my elderly horses but bring them too. This is not so easy. If anyone has tips on moving a family of large animals to BC, please let me know.
Its times like these i wish i went to school for a skilled position like nursing. Ill just sit in my kayak, staring at fort erie, so close, yet so far...😆
I'm trying to get my nursing degree before our country completely collapses 😩 so if Canada still needs nurses by then maybe i can still find work. My friend is a fed scientist that's getting cut loose so I'm gonna mention it to her, she's got family up there already.
I know my community needs them here, too, and will even more so in the coming years with our terrible public health fiasco. I'm just hoping our school stays functional long enough to get through