Honestly? I couldn't give a shit what Jack Smith's report says. It could be pictures of Trump snorting a ten pound block of cocaine off a dead hooker's ass while being soundly rogered from behind by the star of a Tijuana donkey show ridden by Vladimir Putin. So what?
Trump got away with it. Q.E.D.
Trump got away with it. Q.E.D.
If you're wealthy and influential, you really can throw an attempted coup and get away with it.
But if you're poor, watch out!
IDGAF about "rule of law" here anymore, it clearly doesn't exist or matter.
Which I didn't need with my morning coffee.
I flinched.
Anyone who cares about what is in the Smith report misses the point- care all you want but he got over on us, again.
Truth is inconsequential in today’s society. Only power matters
Biden not seeing any progress should have canned AG and FBI dir in 12/21
SKorea: 3 wks impeach remove indict
USA: 78 wks to start
4yrs later nothing
Biden is potus! Stops w him
The only thing he did in 1 day is pardon Hunter