I like how they're largely off camera as well, so they're just holding up their signs for Trump and the Stepford twins, and no one else.
If Vance & Johnson are smirking, you're failing.
Maybe signs that say rapist, remember 2025, lying rapist, traitor, treasonous piece of shit, moron, fool, useful idiot... So many options so few signs. And whoever held those signs would make big bucks
when they retired to corporate media
to be a pundit
after Congress.
I understand that. But maybe they're there to hold a space for true Americans...like those who came before. Not Traitors like those Republicans. May those Traitors never thrive again...NEVER!
That's sort of like the "which came first, the chicken or the egg" question, no? For many years I believed that most who get into politics do so with the best intentions, it is only when elected that they become full on liars. And then came Trump, and shot that theory to hell.
They did walk out them being there was a form of protest along with the signs the fact that they had to fill up seats because of low attendance should tell you something.
Because they're cowards. Democrats have great ideas, but are devoid of courage. Their idea of fighting back is lame ass signs and sternly worded letters.
Just fail dems
If Vance & Johnson are smirking, you're failing.
when they retired to corporate media
to be a pundit
after Congress.