EXCLUSIVE READ: Hamas says it doesn’t need to govern Gaza—but it won’t disarm while Israel continues its occupation. Meanwhile, Israel is sabotaging the ceasefire with constant violations, proving once again that it was never serious about peace. https://mondoweiss.net/2025/02/exclusive-senior-hamas-leader-says-movement-isnt-interested-in-ruling-gaza-but-laying-down-arms-remains-a-red-line/
It should be dismantled.
And those who profited from Israel's crimes should pay reparations.
And all Genocide Criminals who armed/funded the Genocide should be brought before the Hague for just punishment.
This includes all politicians who armed/funded the Genocide.
[My words. My opinion. My viewpoint.]
#FreeGaza #FreePalestine #FreeAllOppressedPeople