Well everything with Zefram makes me want to cry. Maybe the future can be better, and we don’t know all the ways in which we will help those that come after us, no matter what our intentions were. Loved how they could integrate a legacy character like that while still giving it emotional weight
Reposted from
nw (first time)
Despite being a decently big Trekkie, the only TNG ep I’ve watched is Darmok in a high school English class. But! One of my podcasts is doing these films and I figured I may as well watch “the good one” of the Picard Treks
Despite being a decently big Trekkie, the only TNG ep I’ve watched is Darmok in a high school English class. But! One of my podcasts is doing these films and I figured I may as well watch “the good one” of the Picard Treks