I should also probably post some of my existing stuff here too while I'm at it. partially because it might give me some nice motivation and also partially because I mentioned making music in my pinned post and then never showed any of it lol
I'm thinking about everything that's going on right now, and I'm thinking about probably one of my proudest songs ever, and how originally I started writing cheesy-ass lyrics to it when I started but later scrapped them cuz they didn't feel worthy of how legit the song itself was starting to sound
and it's like, I still think those lyrics sucked and the music conveys those feelings better than my shitty rhymes ever could. but I wanna create more music and art that embodies that sense of rebellious optimism again. relistening to that song reminded me I AM capable of saying stuff with music
I guess I'm just not accustomed to that? despite all the years I've spent drawing, I've never been inclined to try conveying my own emotions via art. I can show what characters think/feel but I don't draw "vent" art. something about my lack of expertise with music unlocks that mindset for me I guess
it's just weird cuz it's like, not a very conscious thing? honestly I made most of my best music whenever I got some manner of illness, so like. I was kinda out of it at the time and it's only on relistening later that I have my feelings played back to me, like "shit maybe I WAS onto something here"
different one. Grass Stains originally was gonna have lyrics but pretty much nothing outside of the chorus felt decent so I ditched the words pretty early. nobody has ever seen those but me lol
(the one I shared the WIP lyrics for last year is still in progress tho, I wanna do vocals for that one)
I finally found a way to make distortion without volume and I still worry about tight assed neighbors. Still, acoustic slide guitar is more than enough to annoy them. I do it well.
(the one I shared the WIP lyrics for last year is still in progress tho, I wanna do vocals for that one)
good luck! Stay frosty!