⚖️ A good moment to remind that other heads of state or governments have been convicted for atrocity crimes.
As Rodrigo #Duterte is about to arrive later today at the #ICC, history shows that impunity is not absolute. While not all trials in the past respected the rights of the accused—unlike...
As Rodrigo #Duterte is about to arrive later today at the #ICC, history shows that impunity is not absolute. While not all trials in the past respected the rights of the accused—unlike...
Here are some of the most significant convictions of heads of state and government for atrocity crimes:
🔹 Desi Bouterse (Suriname) – 20 years by a Surinamese national court for his involvement in...
🔹 Khieu Samphan (Cambodia) – Life imprisonment by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for crimes against humanity and genocide.
🔹 Radovan Karadžić (President of the self-proclaimed...
🔹 Nuon Chea (Cambodia) – Life imprisonment by the ECCC for genocide and crimes against humanity.
🔹 Efraín Ríos Montt (Guatemala) – 80 years by a Guatemalan national court for genocide and crimes against humanity. Conviction overturned on appeal.
🔹 Alberto Fujimori (Peru) – 25 years by a Peruvian national court for human rights abuses.
🔹 Reynaldo Bignone (Argentina) – Life imprisonment by...
🔹 Gregorio Álvarez (Uruguay) – 25 years by a Uruguayan national court for involvement in homicides of political opponents.
🔹 Saddam Hussein (Iraq) – Death by hanging by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for crimes against humanity.