Several times now people have asked me to FaceTime them for remote support, which I can't, because I don't have an iPhone.
For some reason I'm annoyed by this, particularly because they did not inquire whether I had an iPhone to begin with.
This implies to me they think everyone has an iPhone.
For some reason I'm annoyed by this, particularly because they did not inquire whether I had an iPhone to begin with.
This implies to me they think everyone has an iPhone.
My guess is that some people don't know that FaceTime only works with Apple devices? I thought it was common knowledge, but as someone not involved in the Apple ecosystem at all, I don't know for sure.
I think this was released in iOS 16 or 17
If somebody doesn't have the same device you do, you just can't talk to them over the same protocol? It's... just weird.
Then again, Apple is generally allergic to using standards... x3