How about putting money into training programs for jobs that are going to be opening up. Then help with relocation funding. That is how you get people employed. Not by cutting their throats.
If your plant, mine or factory closed down, you will probably have to move.
I was blonde and blue eyed 40 years ago, now I’m white haired and blue eyed, but where I get into trouble with the reich wing is my disabilities. I have epilepsy, non active presently, and mild CP, so I’m a useless eater who happens to be blue eyed and blonde based white haired.
Christianity has killed more people than all the wars in history, mainly because they wanted everybody to believe in their God, the one true one, of course. even Hitler was a Catholic, every WW2 German soldier had ''Gott Mit Uns'' ''God with US'' inscribed on every belt buckle.
The one that tells slaves to obey their masters and women to shut up in church and obey their husbands? Written by a man who wasn’t married? Yes, that one.
Exactly. My minister who retired used to tell the congregation not to come into church to worship God unless they took God out into the world with them. In other words don't pretend to be pious in here and then be a cruel, mean spirited dick out there. I loved her dearly.
I just want to know what the quote is, so I don’t have to Google it yet again. So many Xtians do these quotes and assume everyone knows them. Fine. You don’t want to. Goodbye.
Wait a second, it’s the people spewing hatred and lies that are the problem and not minorities? What kind of radical liberal bull shit are you selling here
I am not a Christen - I just love this Pope, he has a huge heart and is a lot more progressive than the previous Popes throughout history -
I feel sad he is more than likely going to pass away this year -
Maybe engaging in magical thinking for thousands of years is *kinda* the problem. Look across history at all the wars, countries torn apart, the genocides...then take all the reasons why, boil 5/10ths down to 1/2, and you'll find religion behind it all going, "Tee-hee, it was me again! Surprise!"
They are what’s been wrong with this country since Columbus or whoever the jell gets the credit for “discovering “ ‘merica. Please.. they got us here
But they're not, are they? Nope. It's like "The Good Cops" when yet another unarmed black person is murdered. Or "The Good Men" when women are raped and beaten. Where are they?? Nowhere to be found..which says a lot.
If you never acknowledge your past wrongs to the indigenous people or the Hawai’i kingdom, don’t be surprised when karma comes back and bites you in the ass. The problem started a long long long time ago. 🤙🏼 aloha
The abuse of religion has been a tool for years.
There is good in the bible too!
Recommend before King
James Modified it to allow being ruled by king.
It's those that allow others to manipulate translation-
of religions is issue.
The far right “Christians” want the USA to be controlled by their beliefs. They have been funding their believers to take become senators, congressmen and Supreme Court justices for years. Trump has been willing to do their bidding in order to get their money to elect and reelect him.
I love when they say..."forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." I'm like, "When? When do y'all do that? You curse, denigrate, and deport those who trespass against you."
"Christians" my ass. You just let the moneychangers have unchecked power is what you did. Maybe read your own fucking book before you try to get in my business.
There are Christians who are guided by Scripture; then there are Christians who are justified by Scripture. The latter are the reason for the rapid spread of atheism
If your plant, mine or factory closed down, you will probably have to move.
614 days to Midterms🥊 all y’all #GetBusy 😎🗽🇺🇸
RELIGION is what is wrong with the USA.
(my Jesus isn’t white, flipped tables and told me to love everybody as He loved me)
and I also know you spare the rod, you spoil the child…and these assholes need to be reminded of that.
I despise religious hypocrisy.
And why should I. I've spent enough time teaching HS and University.
Write me a check.🙄
In any case, that was very uncharitable of me. Meanwhile, I happen to have this in my favorites folder as a reminder to whenever possible be kind.
I'll tell you who aren't blessed, the arrogant and bullshit artists.
These clowns don't even even know where to begin.
I feel sad he is more than likely going to pass away this year -
They are what’s been wrong with this country since Columbus or whoever the jell gets the credit for “discovering “ ‘merica. Please.. they got us here
Matthew 25: 31-46
Of course, the answer is: no one. Somehow, Mike Johnson and his gaggle of Christian nationalists skipped all of the Jesus parts of the Bible.
holyiness !
There is good in the bible too!
Recommend before King
James Modified it to allow being ruled by king.
It's those that allow others to manipulate translation-
of religions is issue.
And he hates these people
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“Hell is empty, all the devils are here” - William Shakespeare