Absolutely. Trump has no redeeming qualities.
I never understood what people saw in him. My guess is he gave them permission to hate innocent people. Sad!
#Krasnov The Orange Slug of soiled diaper fame, & its handler Space Nazi MuXkovich.
All 3 branches of the Fed have failed their oaths to preserve protect & defend the Constitution nullifying its authority to govern. This is an outlaw fascist dictatorship weaponizing the Fed Gov v us.
Did you speak out about Joe Biden's facilitation of Israeli war crimes? It's his legacy now. Speak out about the massacres? Did you call out his administration's continual violations of international law? Did you demand that Harris change directions in Gaza? https://www.commondreams.org/news/harris-gaza
Donald Trump sera
toujours le stupide
président du peuple
Mais de nouveau président pour 4 années insupportables, honteuses et pénibles
2 mois de Trump : ses déclarations et ses actes décryptés. ces décrets avec ses horribles signatures à la va vite contre la, constitution USA
ses connivences avec le dictateur sanguinaire Poutine la trahison envers l' Ukraine les taxation envers le reste du monde pour donner des soucis à ses propre compatriotes entrainent des chaos inacceptables créé par Trump.
And yet you lost big. I guess letting a handful of rich donors and elites decide who they were going to run against him and tossing 19 mil Biden primary votes out the window didn't pan out. Elections have consequences. Whining and crying isn't going to help. Try winning some elections.
I agree although many who follow him blindly do so because they hated the the career politicians more who failed them while lining their pockets and bombing poor people. Shame they were so easily fooled but I sort of understand the misguided motivation and many are too proud to admit they fucked up
Funny that the career politicians that caused all the past 4-5 recessions and the shift of wealth further towards the 1% are the same ones now promising to make the country "great again".
He is a shape shifter, he looks sneaky. Trump was asked if JD was going to replace him, he said No, think that went over like a lead balloon. So, if JD wants that seat bad enough, it will have to be him replacing because of a tragedy 😁 while they are both in office.
Those that worship Drump are same idiots who keep sending $$ to Tele evangelists so God will bless them with millions.. Then are told their "faith" too weak, send more when millions aren't showered on them.
I never understood what people saw in him. My guess is he gave them permission to hate innocent people. Sad!
All 3 branches of the Fed have failed their oaths to preserve protect & defend the Constitution nullifying its authority to govern. This is an outlaw fascist dictatorship weaponizing the Fed Gov v us.
toujours le stupide
président du peuple
Mais de nouveau président pour 4 années insupportables, honteuses et pénibles
2 mois de Trump : ses déclarations et ses actes décryptés. ces décrets avec ses horribles signatures à la va vite contre la, constitution USA
He is the problem. He will burn all his bridges and be gone, I just hope it is very soon. And he stinks, he messes his pants.😁
Dumb asses are too stupid to understand that They Are Us too.
When they finally Wake Up, and they will, there will be hell to pay and some Box Office Worthy shit coming down the pike! 🍿
But watch out for Vance. This shape-shifter is evil.
Trump is now in the same position as Julius Caesar.
The question is: will Vance wield the knife?
I think he will - being the unpleasant value-free opportunist he is.