My friend invited me to her place, which sadly has the “destroyed by wildfires” aesthetic in fashion this season in LA. Speaking of fashion, 1 day left to get a tee to help #LAFire survivors! 100% goes to’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund:
Repeat after me: 100% REPLACEMENT COST!
Do not let an agent talk you into something that is slightly cheaper.
Also, if you don't have full RC Fannie & Freddie will not refinance your home.
Here's the current tally:
Misha: $3020
Jensen/Danneel: $1960
Their Kids: $560
Rob/Ruth: $270
Richard/Fletcher: $160
Jennifer May Nickel: $510
Matt Cohen: $130
Misha: $3020
Jensen/Danneel: $2130
Their Kids: $560
Rob/Ruth: $270
Richard/Fletcher: $160
Jennifer May Nickel: $510
Matt Cohen: $130
Here's the current tally:
Misha: $3020
Jensen/Danneel: $2560
Their Kids: $1060
Rob/Ruth: $270
Richard/Fletcher: $160
Jennifer May Nickel: $570
Matt Cohen: $140
Here's the final tally:
Misha: $3020
Jensen/Danneel: $3150
Their Kids: $1380
Rob/Ruth: $290
Richard/Fletcher: $180
Jennifer May Nickel: $610
Matt Cohen: $150
However there's more shirts that can still be bid on.
Let's hope the people rally together to help out all those affected by the fires
(I work in mortgages. I know homeowners insurance rules and I know insurues are moving out of states in droves.)
Brazil embraces Los Angeles
"Vamos lá."
Não sobrou nada. Exceto os cactos.
"e alguns vasos de flores."
Estou aqui com Jennifer no que era... acho que estávamos parados bem na beirada da sua sala de estar. Há, então, quero dizer... isso continua até onde os olhos podem ver, há
"Sim, entre, vamos, entre."
"Eu tenho uma, provavelmente há uma alça de caneca em algum lugar que eu possa encontrar para você."
Não sobrou nada. É só...
"Sim, até mesmo mostrando essa direção como ela sobe a encosta do nada... Banheiro, porta da frente."
"Esta é minha oficina inteira, basicamente. Não é basicamente. É