There was also internet dating sites. Most people’s online presence was still anonymous - handles. The Friendster premise was a vouching system.
(Yes I’m live-blogging as I listen.)
When MySpace came along, I noticed the gap between me and some friends who way younger than me, where I was a lot more protective about sharing public information connected with your name than they were.
When you brought up the three parties/A Tale of Two Cities, I immediately thought of Mad Men: My Old Kentucky Home, which one of our wonderful writers compared with A Midsummer Night’s Dream…
(Yes I’m live-blogging as I listen.)
I LOVED MySpace.
When you brought up the three parties/A Tale of Two Cities, I immediately thought of Mad Men: My Old Kentucky Home, which one of our wonderful writers compared with A Midsummer Night’s Dream…
I love Hamm but Slattery is more my type.