They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
This is why the bad guys are winning. Why does this person who supposedly hates Trump, also hate Anti-Fascism? The majority of people can only communicate in language created by the criminals disrupting reality.
I like the cartoon! Trump is
using the arrogant government structure that was created along time ago. Like our government he is entitled. Literally, the government is structured to not be accountable to its citizens.
We aren’t allowed to change our minds until a term ends, isn’t that undemocratic?
Both sides in 1984 were the same party, and the longer the lawlessness goes on, the more I think ours are as well. Not to say all Dems, but the ones in charge for sure. All taking that same Citizens United money from the same Silicon Valley billionaire nutjob groups.
Correct. Despite all the Russian paid podcasters like Tim pool and Matt Walsh, despite all the Republican controlled MSM, despising Magats repeating the lie…
Democrats have been running right for decades not moving left. They only seem left by comparison despite being past center-right.
for the last time, this is not orwellian. its dystopian, sure, but 1984 is about the use of language to control people. the Newspeak language, average relentless propaganda, Doublethink, joycamps, the entire novel is about using language to >>invade and control people's own thoughts<<.
And you don't think that is what is happening? How in the world do you think GOP has managed to get so many supporting a Felon, Rapist, & Conman? By supporting policies that will destroy the health, wealth and safety of this nation? By convincing their peeps that bad is good & vice versa.
It was the long con- that is the creepy coercive version of Christianity for you - give us all your worldly goods and power & we will petition a supernatural being to get in where everyone goes when they die, who TF knows. Greatest CON of all time!
Yep - hence the shut down of the Education Department. Ignorance of the masses certainly strengthens the GOP.
And the way GOPundits say "elite" with such scorn - as if they are not EXACTLY Elites - educated, wealthy & upper class is nauseating - intimation education is a shameful pursuit.
They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
i think that your math is a bit wrong
Literally every assault on freedom in my lifetime has come from groups with "defending freedom", "for liberty" or the like in their names
using the arrogant government structure that was created along time ago. Like our government he is entitled. Literally, the government is structured to not be accountable to its citizens.
We aren’t allowed to change our minds until a term ends, isn’t that undemocratic?
Democrats have been running right for decades not moving left. They only seem left by comparison despite being past center-right.
They noticed they can’t get a rise out of anyone on Twitter anymore.
"Ignorance is Strength"
And the way GOPundits say "elite" with such scorn - as if they are not EXACTLY Elites - educated, wealthy & upper class is nauseating - intimation education is a shameful pursuit.