To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
Building these thru #LocalEd
with #ReDesignHigherEd Solution Hubs
=accelerating opportunities for #RightLivelihood
Organized efforts = #JustTransition
Many hands = light work
To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
Building these thru #LocalEd
with #ReDesignHigherEd Solution Hubs
=accelerating opportunities for #RightLivelihood
Organized efforts = #JustTransition
Many hands = light work
Time for pro-solution majority in world
to create their own #lowimpact #sharing economies
with minimal material-intensive infrastructure
Supply lines which only support
#PermacultureResilientEcosystems #PeacefulSanctuaries
will deflate and diminish destructive markets
Examples Accelerate