How can there be enough change in the moral compasses of people in overdeveloped countries and regions to achieve both extraordinary #demandreduction AND exponential increase in #sharing?
“Quotations from ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’ Vol 1-15” 301p
How can there be enough change in the moral compasses of people in overdeveloped countries and regions to achieve both extraordinary #demandreduction AND exponential increase in #sharing?
“Quotations from ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’ Vol 1-15” 301p
Many people can find contentment and quality of life while consuming much less material goods and ecological services. Limiting desires saves much trouble re symptoms (of unrestrained desires) as they materialize worldwide. Benefits of spiritual teachings often get overlooked #wef25 +below
To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
We can get there w/ #LocalEd
+ #ReDesignHigherEd SolutionHubs
Why, How=“Risk Assessment and Solutions Briefing” 18p
+ https://www.cpcsi.org/constellations-of-initiatives-approach
+below #wef25