Time for pro-solution majority in world
to create their own #lowimpact #sharing economies
w/ minimal material-intensive infrastructure
Supply lines which only support
#PermacultureResilientEcosystems #PeacefulSanctuaries
will deflate destructive markets
Time for pro-solution majority in world
to create their own #lowimpact #sharing economies
w/ minimal material-intensive infrastructure
Supply lines which only support
#PermacultureResilientEcosystems #PeacefulSanctuaries
will deflate destructive markets
Local leaders of religious/spiritual traditions need to step up on every frontline possible to help people understand urgent need to
1) sacrifice personal desires for the greater good
2) choose forgiveness, reconciliation, and *abstaining from--*(+below)
“Quotations from ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’ Vol 1-15” 301p
We donot need a #globaleconomy
for people who already have more than enough
We need a Global Emergency Assistance Network
for people who are suffering--
completed below
To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
We can get there w/ #LocalEd
+ #ReDesignHigherEd SolutionHubs
Why, How=“Risk Assessment and Solutions Briefing” 18p