1. ALTARIA! back in og sapphire, I caught one and literally ever since I've had him with me, we've been on every adventure together, I've been in tournaments with this guy and I always find a place for him on my team, literally my partner pokemon.
2. Rowlet, my son.
I love birds and when they showed off this guy for the first time I knew that he would become something of a special interest to me, I've replayed sunmoon a bunch but I literally can't pick anyone other than him, he's my lil guy
A few years ago, I played Battle Revolution and one of the enemy trainers rolled up to me with one in their party, but didn't choose it to actually show up in battle.
And then 1-3 years later, I had a dream where I was in the Pokemon world, I saw one, tried to catch it, but not only did I fail, it was straight up taunting me about it.
I refuse to go out of my way to redeem myself for those scenarios tho because that'd just break the immersion those two moments have bestowed upon me, and thus would make my relationship with shiny Altaria less interesting.
I think with glitches (or cheats, obviously) you can catch Battle Pyramid Pokemon, but obviously most people wouldn't consider that legit, let alone even think to do that in the first place.
I love birds and when they showed off this guy for the first time I knew that he would become something of a special interest to me, I've replayed sunmoon a bunch but I literally can't pick anyone other than him, he's my lil guy
I love it so much
A few years ago, I played Battle Revolution and one of the enemy trainers rolled up to me with one in their party, but didn't choose it to actually show up in battle.
In the area you can't catch wild pokemon