I think he's moving into that direction. He's been a cop his whole life. Just a normal dude. He's not going to suddenly be a great political leader -- but you gotta start somewhere.
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Policy policy policy policy. That's the only conversation we should be having politics is policy. Appearance, charm, charisma, personality all that is ancillary bullshit and we somehow let it influences and unless this candidate is talking about policy and how to change the platform, forget it.
Wouldn't it be great were that true. Maybe it is in, I don't know, Norway? But look who the President of the US is now-- the majority of voters clearly have no interest in policy.
I must continue that the same could be said against the opposition candidate. Both unqualified, undeserving, insulting tokens. Hell, at least one of them won their freaking primary. They actually had a primary..... not the party screaming "democracy is at stake."'
That doesn't mean we shouldn't be having conversations about it. It's the only pertinent topic in the category no wonder we suck sadly, I'm convinced we're getting exactly the government we deserve.
These people are the ruination of our country and actually the people like the constituents who vote for them. There are tens of thousands of qualified people that know the process and has the common sense to confer with experts on different policy these kind get in to office tow party line.
Obviously can't hear themselves