Australia’s social media ban for children under the age of 16 will become law, even as questions linger over how the new restrictions will be implemented
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This is a non sensical law that further pushes AU love of being a nanny state. This punishes families who may want choice rather than SM companies who have sloppy management and corrupt algorithms
Maybe along with this, maybe a way to teach those kids to fact check "suspect" posts/news. Social Media is here to stay and there will never be a law that will encompass debunking fake news or fake profiles for spamming.
This Aussie isn't happy. I've seen my Grandson bullied online and at School. My daughter fixed the online issue, had to move his Schools however. My Granduaghter has benefited from social media. This was not the answer
Australia is usually first to adopt new laws. There is no denying the studies done on the impacts of unfiltered social media on children. I feel like we all see it too.
Has anyone predicted how the inactivity of kids, everywhere, because of social media will show up in their adult health. Before internet kids played more..not only in organized activities.
I understand this rationale. Social media is corrosive when misused, and children become overly susceptible at an early age.
Now, if we could only ban social media for MAGA troglodytes and owners related thereto, we would have a hate-free & democratic republic as envisioned by our Founders.
Maybe the internet wouldn't be such a brain-eating cesspool if the tech monopolies were regulated. Maybe prioritising engagement no matter the content is a bad thing, especially so when they manipulate children to do so. and maybe this law will do nothing to stop kids getting online.
I’m telling you. 100 years from now they’re going to look back at our time and be like “can you believe they just literally let anyone on the internet at all times?”
This could include ID requirements beyond clicking "Yes, I'm over 18." That has the potential to effectively eradicate anonymous use of social media in Australia, destroying reporter and whistleblower safety. It's not a good move.
I’m okay with that under few exceptions. Yes you can use your ID to gain access to the internet when you’re 18. But all your activity and identity is encrypted. Decryption can only happen in special rare situations and even then it requires multiple organizations to approve of it. That won’t happen.
None of that matters. The anonymity is lost. Look at the Patriot Act in America and let me know how safeguards and checks and balances prevent government overreach and spying. Maybe check echelon while you're at it
Think of it this way. If you have an organization that’s set on protecting encryption no matter what holding one set of your keys, and then another that believes in government supremacy holding another, and then another that is neutral. It would be literally impossible to get approval if ever.
What the nonexistent organization wants does not matter. They have to listen to legislation if they want to stay in that country. There should be no ID requirement.
When encryption multiple organization holding keys it would literally be impossible to always have government approval to get it is the point. They don't hold the encryption keys.
I don't think you understand the idea here at all. The government passed a law requiring it. The government can pass a law to require companies to send it. There is no remnant of anonymity or safety if it's required or given. I also don't really think you understand how encryption works
The proof of the pudding will be the implementation. Everyone on social media would need to 'prove' the age with under 16's being excluded but all that private data cannot be trusted to these companies. Catch-22?
They could just not regulate it that hard, like how they already do now. I don’t think the intention is to create a bunch of low-level juvenile court cases, more just to deter it.
Now, if we could only ban social media for MAGA troglodytes and owners related thereto, we would have a hate-free & democratic republic as envisioned by our Founders.
Tyler also did say that self improvement is masturbation