The only way to prevent disasters, natural or otherwise, is to get rid of all the MAGAs in politics, from bottom to top. VOTE BLUE. Every election counts.
Disasters occur in Red states, too. The recent violent hurricanes? ALL Red states. Republicans always vote AGAINST FEMA. Is it better to have Trump as president, so he can deny aid FOR SPITE to all states with Democratic governors. Don't be so cute. You know what I mean. You want freedom? VOTE BLUE.
Insurance Corporations must be restricted from restrictions! No more refusing to cover WILDFIRES instead of regular FIRES. Acts of GOD are not covered??
Not nearly high enough tho, even before this, which will likely be the costliest disaster in California's history, property home insurers were paying out $1.13 in damages for every $1 in premiums on average over the last decade.
$1m homes are seeing $30k premiums in parts of Australia as a result of perceived fire and flood risk. Many of those home owners are retired or earn less than $150k before 35% tax. There needs to be a better way.
I mean the risk is the risk, you can saddle the taxpayer with the risk as are California and Florida doing already but in the end somebody is going to have to subsidize it if you don't embrace of risk adjusted insurance premiums.
Some homes are considered a flood risk even though they’re on top of a hill 20km from the nearest water body, and have never flooded before and realistically can’t. Blanket risk premium increases are often very unfair and lead to good people having no insurance at all.
Risk is pooled across geographic areas, but again the fact that California's property insurers on average had to pay out $1.13 for every $1 in collected premiums over the last decade should be sufficient to demonstrate that current insurance premiums are not high enough.