obviously, land can be worth a lot of money. maybe make an exception for family-owned farmland to prevent it from being divided into parcels too small to sustain a profitable farm. but i doubt large corporate farms need the same mercy given their market dominance.
Lmao, they are absolutely organized by farmers. They're the most entitled and whiny bunch of petty tyrants on the continent. They demand endless subsidies and unlimited protectionism to drive up food prices in order to insulate themselves from foreign competition.
No one’s against farmers. It’s a manufactured fight, just like the right wing oligarchs manufactured a class war between college educated people and trades people.
In the Netherlands the ‘Boer Burger Beweging’ (farmer- citizen movement) is currently in power, and thus their agenda exposed.
It’s neither in the interest of citizens, nor even farmers. It very much favors the large agricultural industrial companies.
This is the Streisand Effect. They have drawn attention to the fact that farms are tax dodging devices. And associated themselves with literal tax dodgers who admit this was the reason to buy their farm - like Clarkson
Britain's farmers voted for Brexit, against their own union's advice. They got what they voted for. These Tory-voting moaners deliver a fraction of the income of the UK's Culture sector yet get most of the attention.
And they annoy the shit out of everyone else eroding public support for farmer even further
rural folks demand all the benefits of civilization and then spit on the city folk who provide them
In the Netherlands the ‘Boer Burger Beweging’ (farmer- citizen movement) is currently in power, and thus their agenda exposed.
It’s neither in the interest of citizens, nor even farmers. It very much favors the large agricultural industrial companies.
This is what we see in the Netherlands, where this movement took power in the provinces and national.
It has absolutely nothing to do with some bias against rural communities.