TESLA P/E Ratio: 88.8
Toyota Motor Corp P/E Ratio: 8.92
Assuming TESLA is as good a car company as Toyota (which it isn't), TSLA is overvalued to a factor of 10.
Actual TSLA stock price: $302.80
Projected TSLA stock price: $30.42 per share.
Yes thanks for sharing. Maybe it’s the 12 month average accounting for the difference? Anyway you look at it though. Definitely would not want to be holding TSLA.
Even if he resigned, the brand is already damaged. No one wants Tesla or anything he has ownership it. His name is associated with nazism I mean, the cars are shitty anyways. Take a good look at the Tesla 3 ther are cheaply made.
Subaru has a couple new hybrids coming out. Love my Subie. Amazing in snow and on my local dirt roads. Tesla is totally useless up here. It’s for flatlanders with no concept of reality.
Don’t worry I’m sure his pocket president will come up with some executive order to try and drum up sales or punish other countries for not buying them
Tesla is close to being a meme stock. The company has only turned a profit for the last four years, and profits dipped in 2024, and will dip significantly in 2025. Its capitalisation is something like 12 times its revenue. Compare to Toyota (with models in every segment) for a comparison...
And don't forget those profits have been largely down to carbon credits and more recently Bitcoin... This goose is well & truly cooked - Musk has made Gerald Ratner look like a fucking rookie at total brand destruction.
Musk knew his house of cards were close to crumbling. Once the dismal cybertruck sales destroyed the value of the Tesla brand he would actually have to come up with cash- not over- leveraged promises. That’s why spending $290 million to buy this president was the only investment Elon had left.
Staggering market cap, given that they have never made any money beyond the government assistance.
It’s all a house of cards… like Bitcoin.
And somehow, the American taxpayer will be footing the bill for the near certain collapse.
Just amazing this company was ever over $1 Trillion. That’s more than 10 of the largest automakers combined and Tesla only producing a fraction of the vehicles. Truly insane.
Great news! Sad for the people who work at Tesla but let's slow down those sales to a complete stop. I just hope it isn't people waiting for a new Tesla model but a true canceling of anything that is related to that scrupulous madman.
It should keep going down - it’s basically a small car company both in volume and breadth of model range - once the hype is blown away and rational analysis of its value emerges then it’s going down to 10% of peak
Tesla is doubtless overvalued by whatever its market value is. If much of Musk's wealth is tied up in it and he has debt he may well be broke. May well be part of the reason he needs to pillage the US government
Gotta love seeing the maker of the swasticar’s value tanking. It’s my understanding it’s most of Leon’s wealth. It’s bad for the workers but maybe Leon sells his stake in the company…
Simple solution.
Occupy Elon.
Never another penny to him or his companies.
Cause as much chaos as possible to all associated.
Bury him with problems by loading his company up with debt.
Can we get a petition to get #Musk out of @spacex.extwitter.link and #Tesla?
He's a security threat to the country and these companies cannot have such an individual run amok!
Hell yes! Americans should follow suit and stop buying Elmo’s cars. Especially that hazard on wheels Cyberteuck. That’s a death trap for the people inside and who it crashes into.
the Musk Administration publicly stated that Musk oversees DOGE as a special government employee - shareholders at each of his companies should sue to remove Musk as CEO and Board member, stop his $ & clawback his shares or at least put them in trust - all that’s needed is to own one share of stock
If good ol' boys don't start trading in their F-150's and Dodge Rams for Cybertrucks and if MAGA's and racists don't start buying Swastacars (Teslas), this company may be toast.
I need someone to explain to me what investors see in Elon; he’s not the founder of any of the companies his names on. He’s not even an engineer. I think he’s this highly uneducated racist SA dude who tricked ppl into thinking he’s smart. Just listen to him speak, first 2 mins you know he’s an idiot
The fact that this POS stock even got to $1 T tells me something is really wrong with our society. The cars are shitty.Tesla S model was the only and last quality car from this company. Cyber truck are awfully designed and hideous. His fanboys get them for status symbols. And Elon is NOT a genius!
Residual values are collapsing in Europe - can't give them away. Who would be mad enough to buy one only to be laughed at and then only be able to sell it for 30% of what you paid 3 years ago?
That's pretty much what's happening here. Feel sorry for the folks that thought they were helping the environment and invested 60,000 dollars only to find they had to park inside because of vandals
Who the hell is still buying a Tesla??? There is no reason to buy or lease a Tesla…..Elon is a piece of shit and no one should ever buy anything he sells
#musk #muskrat #muskovich #traitor #doge #criminal #addict #ketamine #tesla #swasticar #TSLA #boycott #spacex #twitter #x
I think institutional investors are terrified. They still hold a ton of stock that they know is 30x overpriced and badly due for correction. But now it's pretty clear that Tesla's value is non-existent: Its latest product a global flop and nothing else in the pipeline.
I don't get it? It's based on hot air and ketamine. Tbey never produced the quantity of cars (nor quality) other manufacturers did, and yet worth more of them combined. It's a fucking grift!
Before celebrating Musk getting his just reward for his bizarre and evil activity of late, we must keep in mind that he now has enough power to compensate any losses out of the US Treasury, either directly or by some contrivance (e.g., privatize the USPS and specify that Tesla vehicles).
Great! It wil go below $0.5 trillion within months. Let's show the nazi oligarch what customers can do. Supporting German neo-nazi party was one big step too far. Don't interfere in European elections with your pile of money Elon !!! Europe still remembers what ruin nazi's brought to Europe...
2024 CA sales down 12% YoY; US sales down 6%. Jan 2025 EU down 45%; China down 12%.
This pig should be lucky to be trading at auto P/Es. Watch out below!
FYI: Tesla takedown! I'm going in Atlanta. We need to keep the pressure on. Buy other great electric cars. Stay away from these key-prone repurposed Pontiac Aztecs. https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/teslatakedown
Toyota Motor Corp P/E Ratio: 8.92
Assuming TESLA is as good a car company as Toyota (which it isn't), TSLA is overvalued to a factor of 10.
Actual TSLA stock price: $302.80
Projected TSLA stock price: $30.42 per share.
Nazis suck
Musk is a Nazi
Musk really Sucks
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
Same kinda look!
It’s all a house of cards… like Bitcoin.
And somehow, the American taxpayer will be footing the bill for the near certain collapse.
he’s covered
If you own one, sell it.
You can afford it.
2/28: Buy nothing
3/1: Tesla protest
3/4: #50501 protest
3/7: Stand up for science protest
Krasnov and the
Kids (^o^)/
Simple solution.
Occupy Elon.
Never another penny to him or his companies.
Cause as much chaos as possible to all associated.
Bury him with problems by loading his company up with debt.
Welcome to freedom and democracy.
Let it all crash and 🔥
The competition is gaining & Elon's is so off putting that the brand has lost its appeal.
And don't get me started on the Cybertruck
He's a security threat to the country and these companies cannot have such an individual run amok!
Musk doesn't seem to care. So the real question is "why"?
It's taken the insurance company and Tesla four months to work out a deal, and in the end the IC gave up, totaled the car.
Another neighbor said it took six months to get his Tesla repaired for minor taillight issues.
How is it that Dan Ives of Wedbush manages to be so consistently wrong? Has he been lobotomised?
The EU requires all cars sold after 2035 to have zero emissions- just a decade away.
Tesla’s failures now may prevent them from benefiting from the upcoming surge in EV sales in Europe.
Trump forces just got "deputized" which sounds like Gestapo to me. If they only had place far away to send dissidents....like Cuba?
#musk #muskrat #muskovich #traitor #doge #criminal #addict #ketamine #tesla #swasticar #TSLA #boycott #spacex #twitter #x
The value should be a maximum of 10-15 billion.
He is risking a wipeout of epic proportions.
Stay away from drugs, kids. Otherwise one minute you’re the richest kid on the block. Next minute you’re insolvent.
That’s all they understand
This pig should be lucky to be trading at auto P/Es. Watch out below!