And anyone telling you costs aren’t passed on to consumers in America don’t know anyone who is manufacturing in steel. It’s all being passed on to the consumers. Enjoy your $250k dishwashers Magats.
Grocery stores in Denmark is putting labels on products from the US, so we can buy products from a different country
It's a small thing, it probably won't matter much, but it does feel great to be in the know and buy from a country that actually wants our business
Besides US products are mostly junk
The problem, as I see it is, that US physical goods aren't very much present and the quality is pretty bad, so they're not popular to begin with, but tech goods are omnipresent and there are no real alternatives yet.
The US goods that make the most harm are their tech monopolies. Do you use Google search? WhatsApp? Most unavoidable are operating systems, Microsoft is unavoidable, using Linux to boycott the US is extreme.
I agree, I personally try and limit my use of SoMe platforms, but that is actually more from the stand point of personal safety if we really get into a SHTF scenario.
But it's a huge problem - It's like a jew handing personal info to Goebbels and there are no viable alternatives to US tech
Keep up the good work! In Canadians are checking the product labels and the motto is #anythingbutamerican
We are cancelling travel plans to the US and choosing to travel our own beautiful country. If we all do it, the US will feel it, and they deserve it! They need to take care of their problem.
Canada has proved that if you stand up to comrade donalds bully boy tactics, he backs down.
He is so used to the GOP nodding heads that he doesn't know what to do in the face of real opposition.
Of course!
What does comrade donald expect.
He's a one man war against world trade.
America will always have a deficit because everything in US is so much more expensive than elsewhere in the world.
Add 29% to Chinese imports and they are still cheaper than made in US.
He just doesn't understand!
Is there any country that hasn't been hit with a Trumptariff? Yup that's one word now, and I would love if some country decided to put a 100% tariff on imported goods from the USA especially if they do not import from the UAssA. Make Trumplethinskin's head spin.
During the 2nd coming of King Donald, bringer of chaos, corruption & deceit, Trump has rapidly turned the USA into a pariah nation among the USA's former allies. This is a headfirst slide into Putinesque authoritarianism.
The best way of addressing this is for buyers of US goods - whether commercial or consumer - to boycott there purchase and buy from any other reliable source - this provides for a better long term solution
…and Vance, GOP, MAGA, and the Americans who voted for Trump or 3rd party candidates that couldn’t possibly win or didn’t bother to vote or couldn’t bother to register.
Well, there's nothing on Earth that cannot be solved through dialogues and negotiations, though. Mexico's Claudia Sheinbaum did better with tariff, Von Der Leyen can learn something from her.
Trump has stepped in shit and rather than admit hes wrong he’s wiping shit all over the faces of working class Americans. MAGA is the new KKKlan instead of white hoods they now wear red caps
how are all the capitalists out there feeling about our experiment in isolationism and true laissez-faire governance? I'm told this is what the Libertarians have wanted for some time.
Hump thinks Americans can be made richer by only trading with themselves.... apparently a market of 340 million is more profitable than a global market of 7 billion!
How about instead of playing Trump’s game, governments set the rules and address the far bigger threat from Trump and Musk?
This thread includes Musk’s posts on his plan to take a million people to Mars to escape the collapse of civilisation on Earth. Maybe listen to what he’s saying. ⬇️
Former Tesla VP George Blankenship explained to the BBC in 2022 that Musk set up the Boring Company to develop the technology to live underground on Mars.
If its own citizens won’t rise up in protest to defend its own interests…all the more
power to others who see where this is headed and have the wherewithal to resist.
I’ve given up on us—we need help from
EU, Canada, Mexico.
The US is the largest economy, yes but still only 26% of world GDP. Against one country, sure we hold the cards. Against the world? EU = 15%, CH = 19%, MX = 2%, 2%. Countries specifically attacked by Trump = 38% v. US 26%. We lose.
For Canada .. the only fact that somehow loosely supports these insane tariffs is that Canada is depending on the US for 67% of its export trade. On the flip side, the Canada is only 24% of the US export trade. But duh, it's about population size!
International community! Please bring on the tariffs and boycotts. Exert your influence and use your power. Marginalize the bully. Regards from an American friend
Putin and other adversaries laugh as the former free world leader implodes.
After alienating his closest allies, Trump’s ineptitude is delivering a recession, and a collapse of the American economy seems imminent. This catastrophe will go down as the single most foolish trade war in history.
I can't believe Maga isn't in a complete uproar that their belovered lying con man - is the puppet - yes his policies are happening, it would be too obvious if they weren't -
Trump sits at his desk while Steven Miller tells Trump what he is signing with his ridiculous Sharpie -
It's a small thing, it probably won't matter much, but it does feel great to be in the know and buy from a country that actually wants our business
Besides US products are mostly junk
But it's a huge problem - It's like a jew handing personal info to Goebbels and there are no viable alternatives to US tech
The intention is still to make it easy to avoid US products by buying European products.
The mark is on the price tag on the shelf and not on the product.
We are cancelling travel plans to the US and choosing to travel our own beautiful country. If we all do it, the US will feel it, and they deserve it! They need to take care of their problem.
Canada is gorgeous!
(I am secretly hoping you join the EU so I can come visit all the time visa free :D )
It's a shame newspapers have lost the ability to write clear unambiguous headlines.
He is so used to the GOP nodding heads that he doesn't know what to do in the face of real opposition.
Didn't have to wait for Thursday.
Already done it!
What does comrade donald expect.
He's a one man war against world trade.
America will always have a deficit because everything in US is so much more expensive than elsewhere in the world.
Add 29% to Chinese imports and they are still cheaper than made in US.
He just doesn't understand!
—Economist Steve Liesman
I’m so very ashamed of the Felon in the WH and it’s administration & GOP.
Trump doesn’t care about any of us, he’s on selfish POS.
Tariffs = Inflation,
Inflation = High Interest Rates,
High Interest Rates = Economic Slowdown,
Slowdown = Increased Unemployment
Keep up the Chaos!
2029 will come early.
That is 70%+ of all US adults.
Keep the old orange twat up at night & ruin his weekends golfing. 😂🤣
Don’t allow him to sleep and hopefully he’ll have a stroke!
This thread includes Musk’s posts on his plan to take a million people to Mars to escape the collapse of civilisation on Earth. Maybe listen to what he’s saying. ⬇️
BBC, The Elon Musk Show, Episode 3 (49:50 minutes in). ⬇️
Although Musk has also talked of creating an atmosphere by nuking the poles. 🤪
power to others who see where this is headed and have the wherewithal to resist.
I’ve given up on us—we need help from
EU, Canada, Mexico.
After alienating his closest allies, Trump’s ineptitude is delivering a recession, and a collapse of the American economy seems imminent. This catastrophe will go down as the single most foolish trade war in history.
Trump sits at his desk while Steven Miller tells Trump what he is signing with his ridiculous Sharpie -
Moron MAGAs despite what you'll be told later, Trump started this
tRump is begging now.
Get ready...the cost of a can of cream of mushroom will cost more than a dozen eggs!
Why, you ask?
Because the "can" is made of aluminum!