We are currently in a shock an awe phase. The purpose is to hit everyone with so much all at once that we don't have time to think. And it's working. Of course they won't lower prices on anything, it's not in the agenda
Because it's Avian Flu and likely this is the last USDA report we'll see since Trump is shutting down the info streams.
17.3 million poultry have been put down. It will get worse during Spring migration as wild birds infect more flocks.
Was never about egg or gas prices. Ask any republican now and they’ll reply that the president has nothing to do with eggs, gas or the price of tea in china
just because - they are a bit busy wrecking OUR USA and selling their bit coin …stay tuned —I can report price of eggs in S DUH steady EXCEPT NO NONE NAHDA EGGS…
Avian flu
17.3 million poultry have been put down. It will get worse during Spring migration as wild birds infect more flocks.
Time is truly a flat circle
Except Waffle House, Huddle House and IHOP. They care.
but also Trump is about to be purging generals and shit, like, eggs are the least of our worries.