I'm hoping on Prime 4 being announced as a launch title during the april direct. Seems like a perfect fit imo. Of course it'll launch simultaneously on Switch 1 as well in that case
Pokémon is gonna be sold as a switch 2 game, but it’s gonna just be a very basic ass port of the switch 1 version cause the PKM company can’t be bothered
I think both gonna be primarily Switch 1 games with enhancements when played in Switch 2
I mean, in the end it means the same thing, I'm just saying they aren't going to do separate versions (even if it would be a very nintendo thing to do)
Most likely both. What's making my brain think hard is all the cloud releases for S1 coming as S2 exclusive releases. So far, I've got Kingdom Hearts Collections and Resident Evil 7 & 8. Did I miss any?
I would think that anything announced at this point will be an S1 game, maybe with an enhanced S2 version. Like how Breath of the Wild was also released on the WiiU.
I feel the only reason pokemon legends hasn't been released already is due to S2. You would hope nintendo would have told them to actually try this time.
Pokemon could be cross gen, not sure about prime 4. Depends what that trailer was shot on.
Under - Legends Z-A
I mean, in the end it means the same thing, I'm just saying they aren't going to do separate versions (even if it would be a very nintendo thing to do)
Pokemon could be cross gen, not sure about prime 4. Depends what that trailer was shot on.