If I'm good friends with a SW, I absolutely support their work. At that point, I'm more likely to want to give advice about content than ask for free material.
Yeah you should still generally pay your friends for what they do. I'd only take free stuff if offered. I might be broke, but I'm not gonna befriend you just for content. I'm gonna befriend you because you're friendly and wait till I'm not broke to buy your content.
Adding to the list:
-Sex workers who think they don’t have to pay other sex workers just because they do the same job.
-Random men creating an OF account with 2 videos and 1 photo and then saying they are SWers and want to trade “free trial” links on OF with other models so they can “leave likes”
I let female SWers take advantage of my kindness. Other men on the other hand still need to pay for my services and content if they want something from me. I never ask for free content from women 💕
Woah this blew up..
Free Palestine
Legalize Weed, Abortion & Prostitution
Trans Rights
And if you can, please consider donating to help me get surgery: https://gofund.me/deefc833
The problem is, sometimes it DOES work. It's called manipulation, and plenty of models get into abusive relationships with people who will literally never treat them like they deserve to be treated.
I've never understood the "don't pay friends" mindset.
I mean, I'm good friends with my doctor, my plumber, my electrician, my arborist, my baker, my mechanic, and my physical therapist, but I also expect to pay them for their professional services.
What if you befriend a sex worker, and refuse to take any discounts they offer and pay full price, buy stuff from their wishlists and also buy them concert tickets, just because you like them?
tired: befriending sex workers so you don't have to pay them
wired: befriending sex workers cause you're lonely and want someone to talk to
inspired: befriending sex workers cause you're lonely, start talking about your hyper fixations and they show interest in them
Conspired: befriending sex workers cause you're lonely, start talking about your hyper fixations and they show interest in them, becoming a client because you love their hyperfixations in return, tipping them and boosting their spicy hyperfixation posts.
Predator I'm not sure. But what makes one think just because your friends that you don't have to pay is a real joke to me.All sex workers deserve to be paid.Who does anything for free any more...?
Yeah fr… if I’m really getting on with someone I might offer to send them some content because I enjoy hearing what people I’m flirting with think about it.
But if you try and be my friend before starting to say things like “I wish I had money to buy content” or outright asking for free stuff?
Yep yep yep and being a moderator is not an excuse to just stop participating. I had to fire a mod for going out of his way to avoid paying after years of working together. Such a pity
Yea if someone tried to befriend me through my work and wasn’t a fellow SW I would be wary. I don’t really tell specific deets to my personal connections but we shouldn’t have to worry about keeping it all separate :/
Wired: Befriending sex workers because they seem cool
-Sex workers who think they don’t have to pay other sex workers just because they do the same job.
-Random men creating an OF account with 2 videos and 1 photo and then saying they are SWers and want to trade “free trial” links on OF with other models so they can “leave likes”
Free Palestine
Legalize Weed, Abortion & Prostitution
Trans Rights
And if you can, please consider donating to help me get surgery: https://gofund.me/deefc833
Having the confidence to keep that wall up though, is what I'm trying to help promote
I mean, I'm good friends with my doctor, my plumber, my electrician, my arborist, my baker, my mechanic, and my physical therapist, but I also expect to pay them for their professional services.
wired: befriending sex workers cause you're lonely and want someone to talk to
inspired: befriending sex workers cause you're lonely, start talking about your hyper fixations and they show interest in them
But if you try and be my friend before starting to say things like “I wish I had money to buy content” or outright asking for free stuff?
Actually… I think it was mainly just one trans girl who kept trying it and I cut her too much slack for a while before being blunt with her 😅
I mean kinda same here I think it was just when it’s happened with faceless accounts or people I don’t know at all I’ve felt a bit weird about it…
It’s the trans people that are just fans I know nothing about other than a bio that I’m thinking of